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Press Room

For Media Inquiries or Permission Requests:

William Lutz |

The Case for Telling Everyone What You Make

" According to a survey by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, 19 percent of employees’ workplaces formally prohibit discussing wages and salaries, and another 31 percent said it’s discouraged. That survey’s analysis pointed out that the wage gap in the federal government, which has [...]

June 4, 2012|Categories: Press Hits|

Mikulski Plan for Women’s Pay Gets New Push

"Despite advances, women still take home 77 cents for each dollar earned annually by men, according to the Institute for Women's Policy Research, a Washington think tank. Advocates believe roughly 40 percent of that gap is based on differences in the types of occupations men [...]

June 4, 2012|Categories: Press Hits|

Mikulski Plan for Women's Pay Gets New Push

"Despite advances, women still take home 77 cents for each dollar earned annually by men, according to the Institute for Women's Policy Research, a Washington think tank. Advocates believe roughly 40 percent of that gap is based on differences in the types of occupations men [...]

June 4, 2012|Categories: Press Hits|

Single Student Parents Have Higher Student Debt Burden, Especially at For-Profit Colleges

New analysis of federal government data by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) finds that postsecondary students who are single parents with dependent children, who make up nearly 12 percent of college students, have less money to contribute to the cost of college, have much greater unmet need after receiving financial aid, and amass higher levels of student debt than other students.

May 30, 2012|Categories: Press Releases|Tags: , |

“Leave Women Alone” Act!

We are at a political moment that yields headlines like Politico’s recent “GOP scrambles to assuage women’s groups.” Such copy must have delighted Democrats on the Hill: It means they had managed to back Republicans into a corner. Said scramble was over the Violence Against [...]

May 17, 2012|Categories: Press Hits|

"Leave Women Alone" Act!

We are at a political moment that yields headlines like Politico’s recent “GOP scrambles to assuage women’s groups.” Such copy must have delighted Democrats on the Hill: It means they had managed to back Republicans into a corner. Said scramble was over the Violence Against [...]

May 17, 2012|Categories: Press Hits|