Briefing Paper

Increasing Pathways to Legal Status for Immigrant In-Home Care Workers

This paper explores options for reforming the U.S. visa system to increase the pathways to legal status for undocumented immigrant women interested in providing long-term care for the elderly and for individuals with disabilities and chronic illnesses.

By Cynthia Hess, Ph.D. and Jane Henrici|2021-05-07T14:28:59-05:00February 11, 2013|Briefing Paper, IWPR, Publications|Comments Off on Increasing Pathways to Legal Status for Immigrant In-Home Care Workers

In Harm’s Way? Domestic Violence, AFDC Receipt and Welfare Program

Summarizes the results of a Massachusetts survey of 734 women receiving welfare and reveals these women experience substantial incidence of domestic violence. Based on the study by economist Randy Albelda, University of Massachusetts at Boston.

By IWPR and Randy Albelda|2020-09-08T16:40:21-05:00December 17, 1997|Briefing Paper|0 Comments