Status of Women in Illinois: An Overview
Research by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research; Commissioned and Published by Chicago Foundation for Women.
Research by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research; Commissioned and Published by Chicago Foundation for Women.
Equal pay and the wage gap have become central issues in discussions of John Roberts’ nomination to the Supreme Court.
Twenty-four million Americans currently suffer from osteoporosis, a reduction in bone mass that increases susceptibility to fractures (Gold et al., 1993)
Prenatal care monitors the health of women during pregnancy, when special health problems can arise.
This report is the first in a series on women’s work as leaders and activists in religious, and particularly interfaith, social justice organizations.
This Research-in-Brief summarizes the findings of a larger report, [...]
As research by IWPR and others show, the current social security is a mainstay for women. Women are 57% of all adult beneficiaries, including retirees, the disabled, and the survivors of deceased workers. Twenty-five million adult women receive social security checks every month.