Black Girls in New York City: Untold Strength and Resilience

Black Girls in New York City: Untold Strength and Resilience provides an often unseen portrait of the lives of Black girls living in the city of New York. The report offers an overview of literature as well as an analysis of original data collected through focus groups and written surveys.

By Avis Jones-DeWeever|2020-10-30T17:18:21-05:00February 28, 2009|IWPR|Comments Off on Black Girls in New York City: Untold Strength and Resilience

Paid Sick Days in Massachusetts: Containing Health Care Costs through Prevention and Timely Treatment

Massachusetts’ proposed Paid Sick Days Act is a natural partner to bring cost control to the Commonwealth’s expanded health care system.

By Vicky Lovell and Kevin Miller|2020-11-11T18:25:13-05:00January 1, 2009|IWPR|Comments Off on Paid Sick Days in Massachusetts: Containing Health Care Costs through Prevention and Timely Treatment

An Estimate of Program Cost under Oregon Senate Bill 966, the Family Leave Benefits Insurance Act

Children First for Oregon requested that the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) analyze the Family Leave Benefits Insurance Act in order to provide lawmakers and policy advocates with information about the likely costs and use of a universal paid family leave insurance program in Oregon. This document presents that estimate.

By IWPR|2021-02-16T03:33:37-05:00December 31, 2008|IWPR|Comments Off on An Estimate of Program Cost under Oregon Senate Bill 966, the Family Leave Benefits Insurance Act