Leveraging Highway Funds to Support Women in Construction
Power Point presentation on improving women’s access to training and employment in transportation industries at the National Fund for Workforce Solutions Conference.
Power Point presentation on improving women’s access to training and employment in transportation industries at the National Fund for Workforce Solutions Conference.
With two-thirds of the world’s population predicted to live in urban areas by the year 2050, the global landscape is changing rapidly.
According to an Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) analysis of the June employment report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in May women gained 189,000 jobs and men gained 91,000 for a total of 280,000 jobs added in the month.
Millions of workers in the United States cannot take paid time away from work to recover or seek preventive care when they are sick.
Provides a review of IWPR's activities over the year. [...]
According to an Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) analysis of the May employment report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in April women gained 68,000 jobs and men gained 155,000 for a total of 223,000 jobs added in the month.
Women in North Dakota have made considerable advances in recent years but still face inequities that often prevent them from reaching their full potential. Since the 2004 Status of Women in the States report was published, the gender wage gap in North Dakota has narrowed, a higher percentage of women have bachelor’s degrees, and women are more likely to work in managerial or professional occupations.
Women’s median earnings are lower than men’s in nearly all occupations, whether they work in occupations predominantly done by women, occupations predominantly done by men, or occupations with a more even mix of men and women.
This briefing paper presents estimates of access to paid sick time in Los Angeles by sex, race/ethnicity, occupation, part/full-time employment status, and personal earnings through analysis of government data sources, including the 2011–2013 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) and the 2013 American Community Survey (ACS).
This briefing paper presents estimates of access to paid [...]