Jessica Milli, Ph.D.

About Jessica Milli

Jessica Milli is a Study Director at IWPR and Scholar in Residence at American University. She oversees IWPR’s work on paid sick days, providing technical assistance to dozens of communities across the country exploring paid sick days policies. In addition, Jessica leads IWPR research projects on breastfeeding and women in patenting.

Jessica has presented her work at events around the country and has testified before state and local legislative bodies on IWPR’s research. She has been interviewed in Bloomberg, The Atlantic, Fast Company, Marketplace, The Nation, TIME, ABC News, Fortune, and other national and regional outlets. Prior to joining IWPR, Jessica taught economics courses ranging from principles of microeconomics and economic statistics, to game theory and labor economics at several institutions including UW-Milwaukee, UW-Whitewater, and Randolph College.

Jessica received her Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. During her studies, she applied her focus of Labor Economics to relationships within households and what economic factors put women at more risk of experiencing domestic violence. Her dissertation analyzed the complex relationship between domestic violence and various measures of women’s socioeconomic status, such as welfare receipt and employment.

Supports that Matter in Workforce Development Programs: A National Client Survey on Access to Services

This report presents findings from a national, online survey of more than 1,800 participants in job training programs. It captures their perspectives on the role of supportive services such as child care and transportation assistance in facilitating their success in job training, the availability of supportive services across different types of training programs, the unmet support needs of program participants, and the significance of job training for their lives.

The Economic Status of Women in New York State

This briefing paper assesses women’s economic status in New York state, drawing comparisons with other states in the Middle Atlantic region and the nation overall.

By Yana MayayevaCynthia Hess, Ph.D.Jessica Milli and Julie Anderson|2020-11-15T03:57:55-05:00November 2, 2016|IWPR|Comments Off on The Economic Status of Women in New York State

Access to Paid Sick Time in Westchester County, New York

Approximately 36 percent of workers in Westchester County, New York lack paid sick time, and low-income and part-time workers are especially unlikely to be covered.

By Administrator and Jessica Milli|2020-10-29T22:08:14-05:00August 9, 2016|IWPR|Comments Off on Access to Paid Sick Time in Westchester County, New York

The Gender Patenting Gap

The Institute for Women’s Policy Research reviewed and analyzed published data and literature on women and patenting, finding that women hold an extremely small share of patents, and that at the current rate of progress, gender patent equity is more than 75 years away. This briefing paper presents a snapshot of the data and related recommendations.

By Jessica MilliBarbara GaultEmma Williams-Baron and Meika Berlan|2020-12-14T08:03:51-05:00July 21, 2016|IWPR|Comments Off on The Gender Patenting Gap

Paid Sick Days Benefit Employers, Workers, and the Economy

Millions of workers have gained access to paid sick days in recent years through new laws in five states, 23 cities, and one county across the country.

By Jessica MilliJenny Xia and Jisun Min|2021-01-17T22:03:28-05:00July 13, 2016|IWPR|Comments Off on Paid Sick Days Benefit Employers, Workers, and the Economy

Paid Sick Time Access in Michigan Varies by County of Residence

The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) finds that 56.3 percent of workers aged 18 years and older in Michigan have access to paid sick time (Figure 1), based on its analysis of data from the 2012–2014 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) and the 2014 American Community Survey (ACS), IWPR Nearly two million workers (43.7 percent) lack access. Residents of Isabella, Gratiot, and Clare counties are the least likely to have paid sick time with fewer than half of all workers having access.

By Jessica Milli|2021-01-18T01:37:16-05:00April 18, 2016|IWPR|Comments Off on Paid Sick Time Access in Michigan Varies by County of Residence