Jennifer Clark

About Jennifer Clark

Jennifer Clark is the former Director of Communications for the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), overseeing the Institute’s media relations, website development, publications production, and online communications efforts on a range of issues including women’s roles in the workforce, student parents in college, Social Security, paid sick days and paid family leave, and the status of women in the United States. In 2015, she spearheaded the public relations and external outreach strategy behind the 2015 relaunch of the Institute’s signature Status of Women in the States project, which garnered national coverage in The Washington Post, The Atlantic, The Wall Street Journal, CBS This Morning, and MSNBC’s Morning Joe, among others and inspired special features in Glamour Magazine and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. She regularly provides strategic communications advice and media relations support to IWPR’s local partners and has presented on community outreach strategies at conferences, webinars, and events hosted by Women’s Funding Network, Women in Government, and Women’s Legislators’ Lobby/Women’s Actions for New Directions (WILL/WAND).

In between roles at IWPR, she served as the Income Security Outreach Manager at the National Academy of Social Insurance, managing a Social Security public education project, which coordinated a network of 30 organizations working to educate vulnerable populations on the importance of Social Security. She graduated from Boston University with a Bachelor of Arts in American History and International Relations.

Basic Economic Security in the United States: How Much Income Do Working Adults Need in Each State?

To experience economic security, working adults must have enough income to meet their basic monthly expenses and save for emergencies and retirement. The Basic Economic Security Tables (BEST) Index provides a measure of how much income working adults of different family types need to be economically secure in each state.

By Jooyeoun Suh, Ph.D., Jennifer Clark and Jeff Hayes|2021-10-28T13:30:28-05:00October 11, 2018|Economic, Security, Mobility, and Equity|Comments Off on Basic Economic Security in the United States: How Much Income Do Working Adults Need in Each State?

The Economic Status of Women in the States

This Fact Sheet presents findings from analysis of the Employment & Earnings Index and Poverty & Opportunity Index of The Status of Women in the States series, a comprehensive project that presents and analyzes data for all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

By Julie Anderson and Jennifer Clark|2020-08-10T04:17:28-05:00March 28, 2018|Fact Sheet, Status of Women|Comments Off on The Economic Status of Women in the States

Decline in Retail Jobs Felt Entirely by Women

The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) analysis of the December employment report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) establishment survey finds that, over the last year (November 2016 - November 2017), women gained fewer jobs than men: women gained 985,000, while men gained 1,086,000 jobs.

By Jennifer Clark, Emma Williams-Baron and Heidi Hartmann|2020-10-30T16:50:19-05:00December 18, 2017|IWPR|Comments Off on Decline in Retail Jobs Felt Entirely by Women

Five Ways to Win an Argument about the Gender Wage Gap (Updated 2019)

In this post, we argue that the figure is an accurate measure of the inequality in earnings between women and men who work full-time, year-round in the labor market and reflects a number of different factors: discrimination in pay, recruitment, job assignment, and promotion; lower earnings in occupations mainly done by women; and women’s disproportionate share of time spent on family care, including that they—rather than fathers—still tend to be the ones to take more time off work when families have children.

By Heidi Hartmann, M. Phil., Barbara Gault, Gina Chirillo and Jennifer Clark|2021-02-16T02:11:13-05:00September 16, 2016|IWPR|Comments Off on Five Ways to Win an Argument about the Gender Wage Gap (Updated 2019)

How Equal Pay for Working Women would Reduce Poverty and Grow the American Economy

Persistent earnings inequality for working women translates into lower pay, less family income, and more poverty in families with a working woman, which is of no small consequence to working families.