Elyse Shaw, M.A.

About Elyse Shaw

Elyse Shaw is a Study Director at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. Elyse directs IWPR’s projects on the Status of Women in the United States, women’s political participation, and those related to women and girls of color, which examines the intersectional nature of race and gender on women’s lives.

Elyse also works extensively on workforce development and job training initiatives and contributes to IWPR’s research on global women’s issues, including providing technical assistance to the United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization on the establishment of a gender policy institute in Palestine. Elyse has presented IWPR research on numerous webinars, panels, and to visiting international thought leaders and has provided commentary on a broad range of research topics. She has been quoted in several local and national outlets including The Washington Post and Public Radio International. She authored or co-authored several publications, including Assets for Equity: Building Wealth for Women in Central Ohio; Sexual Harassment and Assault at Work: Understanding the Costs; Closing the Gender Gap in Patenting, Innovation, and Commercialization: Programs Promoting Equity and Inclusion; and Undervalued and Underpaid in America: Women in Low-Wage, Female-Dominated Jobs.

Prior to joining IWPR in August of 2012, Elyse received her Masters of International Relations from American University’s School of International Service, where she studied peace and conflict. She was awarded a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Bryn Mawr College.

Toward Our Children’s Keeper: A Data-Driven Analysis of the Interim Report of the My Brother’s Keeper Initiative Shows the Shared Fate of Boys and Girls of Color

This report was commissioned by the African American Policy Forum (AAPF) as part of a series highlighting issues confronting women and girls of color.

By Heidi Hartmann, Chandra Childers and Elyse Shaw|2021-01-07T03:08:04-05:00February 25, 2015|IWPR|Comments Off on Toward Our Children’s Keeper: A Data-Driven Analysis of the Interim Report of the My Brother’s Keeper Initiative Shows the Shared Fate of Boys and Girls of Color

Women and Men in the Recovery: Where the Jobs Are; Women Recover Jobs Lost in Recession in Year Five

While the number of jobs dropped steeply, particularly for men, in the Great Recession, slow job growth has characterized the recovery.

By Heidi Hartmann and Elyse Shaw|2021-01-05T03:46:15-05:00November 6, 2014|IWPR|Comments Off on Women and Men in the Recovery: Where the Jobs Are; Women Recover Jobs Lost in Recession in Year Five

Women and Men in the Recovery: Where the Jobs Are; Women’s Recovery Strengthens in Year Four

While the number of jobs dropped steeply, particularly for men, in the Great Recession, slow job growth has characterized much of the recovery.

By Heidi Hartmann, Elyse Shaw and Elizabeth Pandya|2020-12-20T18:34:09-05:00November 5, 2013|IWPR|Comments Off on Women and Men in the Recovery: Where the Jobs Are; Women’s Recovery Strengthens in Year Four

Enhancing the Status of Women: How Engaging Women in Leadership Creates a More Inclusive Democracy and Improves Women’s Lives

The Institute for Women’s Policy Research has been at the forefront of research on issues and policies that affect women’s continued participation and leadership in society and politics.

By Elyse Shaw, Heidi Hartmann, Barbara Gault and Drew McCormick|2020-12-23T01:07:07-05:00May 22, 2013|IWPR|Comments Off on Enhancing the Status of Women: How Engaging Women in Leadership Creates a More Inclusive Democracy and Improves Women’s Lives