The Pregnancy Assistance Fund (PAF) is a competitive grant program created by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that provides funding to states and tribes to support programs that provide pregnant and parenting women and girls with supportive services to help them complete high school or postsecondary degrees (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2010a). Only two states, Minnesota and Virginia, have used their PAF grants to provide services related to postsecondary institutions. This fact sheet describes several of the programs and initiatives created by these PAF grantees. Unless otherwise noted, all program information comes from interviews with program officials and staff.
The Pregnancy Assistance Fund as a Support for Student Parents in Postsecondary Education
By Rhiana Gunn-Wright|2025-01-28T22:41:47-05:00July 25, 2012|Education and Career Advancement|0 Comments