Social Security Reform and Women
Describes women’s reliance on Social Security in retirement and summarizes the likely impacts of various reforms on women.
Describes women’s reliance on Social Security in retirement and summarizes the likely impacts of various reforms on women.
Based on Research on older women using the New Beneficiary Survey from the Social Security Administration, this report analyzes the likely impact of various privatization reform proposals on women.
Using Current Population Survey data from 1979-1996, the authors estimate the lifetime earnings losses to an average 25-year-old woman today who works full-time year round for 40 years compared with an average 25-year-old man, assuming recent earnings trends for women and men prevail in the future.
Analyzes 20 years of Current Population Survey data for women and men to track changes in the gender wage gap.
This Research-in-Brief summarizes an important new book by Edward J. McCaffery, professor of law at the University of Southern California Law School and the California Institute of Technology.
Can single parents on welfare find and keep jobs that enable them to support themselves and their families? Or will they need other sources of income in order to live above the poverty line?
As of July 1, 1997, all states will have submitted their new welfare plans to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, marking another milestone in the devolution of welfare from the federal government to state governments.
Domestic violence has burst into the national spotlight relatively recently.