
Demographic and Economic Trends: Implications for Family Life and Public Policy

Among the most important economic and social changes in the United States is the changing role of women.

By Heidi Hartmann|2020-12-28T02:30:06-05:00December 5, 1998|IWPR|Comments Off on Demographic and Economic Trends: Implications for Family Life and Public Policy

Part-Time Opportunities for Professionals and Managers

While it is often assumed that part-time work in professional or managerial jobs would provide parents with increased flexibility to juggle work and family responsibilities while also earning a good income, a recent study by the Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR) shows that few professionals and managers are employed part time.

By Shannon Garrett and Anna Rocket|2020-11-23T02:03:58-05:00December 1, 1998|IWPR|Comments Off on Part-Time Opportunities for Professionals and Managers

Part-Time Opportunities for Professionals and Managers

While it is often assumed that part-time work in professional or managerial jobs would provide parents with increased flexibility to juggle work and family responsibilities while also earning a good income, a recent study by the Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR) shows that few professionals and managers are employed part-time.

By Shannon Garrett and Anna Rocket|2021-02-16T04:17:26-05:00December 1, 1998|IWPR|Comments Off on Part-Time Opportunities for Professionals and Managers