
Does Women’s Representation in Elected Office Lead to Women-Friendly Policy?

As of spring 2002, women hold 13 of the 100 seats in the U.S. Senate and 60 of the 435 in the U.S. House.

By Amy Caiazza|2020-11-29T03:39:16-05:00April 30, 2002|IWPR|Comments Off on Does Women’s Representation in Elected Office Lead to Women-Friendly Policy?

New Welfare Proposals Would Require Mothers Receiving Assistance to Work More than the Average American Mom; Child Care Inadequate

Presently, the federal welfare law requires that 50 percent of single-parent families and 90 percent of two-parent families receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) be engaged in a work activity.

By Gi-Taik Oh, Vicky Lovell and Deanna Lyter|2020-11-25T00:47:08-05:00April 11, 2002|IWPR|Comments Off on New Welfare Proposals Would Require Mothers Receiving Assistance to Work More than the Average American Mom; Child Care Inadequate

Feminist Perspectives on TANF Reauthorization: An Introduction to Key Issues for the Future of Welfare Reform

The purpose of this paper is to identify some of the key issues and goals that are emerging in TANF reauthorization discussions and to consider what a feminist agenda for TANF reauthorization might look like.

By Janice Peterson|2021-02-07T18:58:53-05:00January 31, 2002|IWPR|Comments Off on Feminist Perspectives on TANF Reauthorization: An Introduction to Key Issues for the Future of Welfare Reform

The Gender Gap in Pension Coverage: What Does the Future Hold?(Final Report)

This report documents pension coverage among male and female employees and examines voluntary and involuntary reasons why women and men do not participate in pension plans.

By Lois Shaw and Catherine Hill|2020-12-19T15:56:01-05:00December 31, 2001|IWPR|Comments Off on The Gender Gap in Pension Coverage: What Does the Future Hold?(Final Report)

Why Gender Matters in Understanding September 11: Women, militarism, and Violence

This Briefing Paper analyzes women’s roles as victims, supporters, and opponents of violence, terrorism, and militarism.

By Amy Caiazza|2020-11-15T00:27:25-05:00November 10, 2001|IWPR|Comments Off on Why Gender Matters in Understanding September 11: Women, militarism, and Violence