The Economic Status of Women in Indiana: Highlights
Indiana reflects both the advances and limited progress achieved by women in the United States.
Indiana reflects both the advances and limited progress achieved by women in the United States.
The public health aspect of paid sick days policies is extremely compelling.
I would like to address the need for three important changes proposed in H.R. 2233, the Unemployment Insurance Modernization Act: the Alternative Base Period; coverage of part-time workers; and support for workers who lose their jobs because of family circumstances.
The Institute for Women’s Policy Research has been conducting research and providing technical assistance on paid sick days to members of Congress, state legislatures, municipal governing bodies, and other groups since 2000.
This paper examines how women in Ohio fare on eight indicators of women’s economic status, in comparison with women in other states, including in Ohio’s region, and with women nationally.
Since the 1996 welfare reform legislation, government support programs for low-income families have emphasized “work-first” strategies, viewing employment as the primary route to self-sufficiency.
Social Security is a crucial source of income for Texas’s seniors, and especially so for women. Fewer women than men have pension income. The majority of Texas’s senior women live alone. Many seniors in Texas continue to work for pay. Women are more likely than men to be poor or disabled. Older African American and Hispanic women are the most likely to be poor and the least likely to have income from assets such as savings accounts or stocks and bonds.
Social Security is a crucial source of income for Georgia’s seniors, and especially so for women.
The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) conducts rigorous research and disseminates its findings to address the needs of women, promote public dialogue, and strengthen families, communities, and societies.