Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and the EconomyAdministrator2024-02-08T19:48:32-05:00

Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and the Economy

IWPR’s Program on Race, Ethnicity, Gender and the Economy conducts original research and policy analysis using intersectional and racial equity frameworks to better understand the experiences of women of color, their families and communities in the economy and society.

Black Womens EPD 2023
July 27 was Black Women's Equal Pay Day and IWPR Research Shows Black Women Earn Less than White Men in Every State

Black women earned 64 cents for every dollar earned by White men in 2022 and won't reach pay equity until 2144, according to data released by IWPR for Black women’s Equal Pay Day.

Gender Wage Gap by Occupation March 2023
Women Earn Less Than Men Whether They Work in the Same or in Different Occupations

In 2022, women earned less than men for full-time weekly work in almost all occupations, includ- ing in 19 of the largest 20 occupations for women, and in all of the largest 20 occupations for men. Teaching Assistants (median weekly earnings of $662) is the only occupation with no gender difference in median weekly earnings for women and men working full-time.

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The Shifting Supply and Demand of Care Work: The Growing Role of People of Color and Immigrants

As the Baby Boom generation matures and current unmet child care needs remain constant, the United States faces a burgeoning crisis in the demand for care workers. The market has slowly but surely begun to adapt, seeing an overall growth of 19 percent in the number of care workers between 2005 and 2015, with most of that growth in adult care. The U.S. Department of Labor suggests that this will only grow further, projecting that the economy will add more than 1.6 million jobs in occupations related to adult care by 2024 (Rolen 2017).

The Need to Promote Gender Diversity in Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Patenting: Written Testimony Submitted to the House Small Business Committee

IWPR’s research finds that women patent inventions at much lower rates than men, which means that potential innovations to improve technology, treat illness, and improve everyday life are being left on the table.

By Jessica Milli|June 11, 2018|

Black and Hispanic Women Lag in Recovering from the Recession

DOWNLOAD REPORT Unemployment among Young Women Before and After the Recession by Age, Race, and Ethnicity The year 2017 marks a decade since the start of the Great Recession, which ran from December 2007 to June 2009.[i] According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, persons are counted as unemployed only if they do not have a job, are actively looking for work, and are available for work.[ii]  The national unemployment rate in June 2017 was 4.4 percent, less than half the June 2009 rate of 9.5 percent.[iii] Although these rates seem to indicate that the labor force [...]

By Chandra Childers and Gladys McLean|August 31, 2017|