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Press Releases

CERH 2024 carousel graphic
SC mife decision June 2024
Supreme Court Rejects Far Right Effort to Restrict Access to Medication Abortions and Mifepristone

"The far-right effort to block access to mifepristone is not about women’s safety—it is about controlling women’s choices and curtailing their freedoms. It is part of a broader crusade to impose their own ideology on women in this country and prevent them from making their own reproductive health care decisions. Today, we celebrate this decision, but we must remain vigilant against such attacks.”
--IWPR President Dr. Jamila K. Taylor

Black Single Mothers in College
Understanding the Needs of Black Single Mothers in College

IWPR spoke with 25 Black single mothers as they strive for their college degree about the challenges they face and the programs that help them balance family with their academic careers.

EPD 2024 Wage Gap Fact Sheet
On Equal Pay Day 2024, New IWPR Report Reveals that Women Earn Less than Men in All Occupations, Even Ones Commonly Held by Women

Women are paid eighty-four (84) cents for every dollar a man makes, a persistent gender wage gap that spans all professions, even those typically held by women, according to a new report released by IWPR

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Senate Voting Rights Bill Marked Crucial Turning Point for Democracy and the Role of Women in American Society

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 19, 2022 Contact: William Lutz | | (202) 684-7534 Washington, D.C. —Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) CEO and President C. Nicole Mason today lamented the failure of voting rights legislation in the Senate and the fact that trivial concerns [...]

January 19, 2022|Categories: Press Releases|Tags: , , |

Build Back Better Bill Is Vital for Women and Families as They Recover from the Pandemic

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 20, 2021 Contact: William Lutz | | (202) 684-7534 “Members of Congress must keep working towards a compromise on these important investments in the American people,” says C. Nicole Mason, President and CEO of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research [...]

December 20, 2021|Categories: Press Releases|Tags: , |

According to New IWPR Survey, Most Young Women Say American Dream is within Reach—but Young Black, Latina, and LGBTQ Women Face More Setbacks

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 14, 2021 Contact: William Lutz | | (202) 684-7543 Washington, D.C. – The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) today released two survey briefs that capture the experiences and economic situations of young women during the COVID-19 pandemic recovery. The [...]

December 14, 2021|Categories: Press Releases|Tags: , , |

IWPR Research Shows Negative Impact of Abortion Bans on State Economies

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 1, 2021 Contact: William Lutz | | (202) 684-7534 “Mississippi is restricting its own economic growth in its misguided quest to restrict women’s freedom.” Washington, D.C. — The Supreme Court today will hear oral arguments on a Mississippi law that [...]

December 1, 2021|Categories: Press Releases|Tags: , |

Build Back Better Bill is “Down Payment on a Fairer, More Equitable Economic Future,” says Institute for Women’s Policy Research President and CEO C. Nicole Mason

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 19, 2021 Contact: William Lutz | | (202) 684-7534  Washington, D.C. — The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) today hailed House passage of the Build Back Better bill and released the following statement from its President and CEO C. [...]

November 19, 2021|Categories: Press Releases|Tags: , |

Discrimination, Harassment, and a Lack Of Respect Threaten to Drive Women Out of the Construction Industry

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 16, 2021 Contact: William Lutz | | (202) 684-7534  Washington, D.C. — The Institute for Women’s Policy Research today released a new report showing that more than four in ten women working in the construction trades have seriously considered leaving [...]

November 16, 2021|Categories: Press Releases|Tags: , |