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Press Releases

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SC mife decision June 2024
Supreme Court Rejects Far Right Effort to Restrict Access to Medication Abortions and Mifepristone

"The far-right effort to block access to mifepristone is not about women’s safety—it is about controlling women’s choices and curtailing their freedoms. It is part of a broader crusade to impose their own ideology on women in this country and prevent them from making their own reproductive health care decisions. Today, we celebrate this decision, but we must remain vigilant against such attacks.”
--IWPR President Dr. Jamila K. Taylor

Black Single Mothers in College
Understanding the Needs of Black Single Mothers in College

IWPR spoke with 25 Black single mothers as they strive for their college degree about the challenges they face and the programs that help them balance family with their academic careers.

EPD 2024 Wage Gap Fact Sheet
On Equal Pay Day 2024, New IWPR Report Reveals that Women Earn Less than Men in All Occupations, Even Ones Commonly Held by Women

Women are paid eighty-four (84) cents for every dollar a man makes, a persistent gender wage gap that spans all professions, even those typically held by women, according to a new report released by IWPR

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WFN Announces Partnership to Name IWPR Exclusive Research Partner for Global Network

New multi-year partnership will secure research funding for gender justice funders across the globe FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – September 23, 2021 SAN FRANCISCO — The Women’s Funding Network (WFN) and the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) today announced a partnership to quantify the pandemic’s [...]

September 23, 2021|Categories: Press Releases|Tags: , |

As States Eye Texas-Style Abortion Bans, Economic Costs to Bottom Line and Women are High, New Data from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research Show

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – September 13, 2021 Contact: Erin Weber | | (646) 719-7021 Implementing abortion bans in target states could cost local economies nearly $20 billion and hurt women’s earnings and labor force participation. Washington, DC – States such as Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Ohio, [...]

Anemic Jobs Report Signals Trouble for Women’s Full Re-Entry into the Workforce

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - September 3, 2021 Contact: Erin Weber | | (646) 719-7021 Washington, DC – This month’s jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reveals a disappointing growth of just 235,000 new jobs across the board, but the news is even worse for women. [...]

September 3, 2021|Categories: Press Releases|Tags: |

Texas Abortion Ban and Other Restrictions Cost the State Economy Almost $15 Billion per Year

IMMEDIATE RELEASE – September 2, 2021 Contact: Erin Weber | | (646) 719-7021 Texas Abortion Ban and other Restrictions Cost the State Economy Almost $15 Billion per Year “Texas is restricting its own economic growth in its quest to restrict women’s freedom.” Washington, D.C. —Texas’ abortion [...]

September 2, 2021|Categories: Press Releases|Tags: , |

Stronger Together: Union Membership Boosts Women’s Earnings and Economic Security

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – September 1, 2021 Contact: Erin Weber | | (646) 719-7021 Washington, DC — A new report from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) confirms the powerful impact union membership has on the women of this country. The report, Stronger Together:Union Membership [...]

September 2, 2021|Categories: Press Releases|

New Jobs Report Show Gains Across the Board: Women Return to the Workforce, but Full Recovery Still a Ways Off

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – August  6, 2021 Contact: Erin Weber | | (646) 719-7021 Washington, DC – This month’s jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shows overall both men and women workers are going back to work. The data show another month of [...]

August 6, 2021|Categories: Press Releases|Tags: |