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William Lutz |

Families grieving a pregnancy loss hit especially hard by medical bills: ‘I wasn’t prepared at all’

by Sarah Gantz, Paying those bills can be challenging for working women who had been counting on parental leave after giving birth. The United States does not have a standard parental leave policy, which means some may find their company doesn’t offer paid time off [...]

February 21, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|

For every dollar a man is paid, a woman earns 67 cents

By Jesse Coburn and Matt Clark “Whenever you’re looking at issues like this, you cannot discount the possibility of discrimination,” Bellone said. "There may be discriminatory impact without there even being an intent.” Chandra Childers, a researcher at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, a [...]

February 21, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|

The U.S. Teaching Population Is Getting Bigger, and More Female

By ALIA WONG The trend is “odd,” Ingersoll and his co-authors—all education scholars and most of them former classroom teachers—write in the report. Generally speaking, starting in the 1970s the country’s occupations witnessed a significant decline in gender segregation as the number of women in the workforce soared. An index that [...]

February 20, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|

Gender wage gap remains stagnant in NC, varies widely by county

BY KARRIGAN MONK The study, “The Status of Women in North Carolina: Employment and Earnings,” gave the state a C rating, an improvement from the D rating of the original “The Status of Women in the States” published in 2004. The rating improved largely because median [...]

February 19, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|

Counting What Counts: Why Social Accounting MATTERS

By Elizabeth Castillo Philanthropy and public policy have yet to catch up with this logic of creating new options rather than minimizing costs. For example, a recent report by the Arizona Chamber Foundation (ACF) argues against large-scale subsidizing of in-state college education, stating that “such [...]

February 13, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|