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Press Room

For Media Inquiries or Permission Requests:

William Lutz |

IWPR Statement of the Passage of the 1.9 Trillion Stimulus Plan by the House

IWPR applauds the passage of the 1.9 Trillion Stimulus plan by the House of Representatives, and encourages the Senate to do the same. The robust and historic recovery package enjoys high public support and will provide necessary economic support to families hit hardest by the COVID-fueled economic downturn.

March 1, 2021|Categories: Press Releases|Tags: , , , |

With One Move, Congress Could Lift Millions Of Children Out Of Poverty

By Cory Turner and Anya Kamenetz The COVID-19 relief bill working its way through Congress is full of big ideas to help people. But there's one idea that's so big, it was politically unthinkable not that long ago. President Biden and Democratic lawmakers want to [...]

February 26, 2021|Categories: Press Hits|Tags: , , , |

Women to Biden Administration and Congress: Affordable Healthcare, the Economic Recession and Jobs are Top Priorities, New National Survey Finds

Washington, DC—New National Survey by IWPR finds in first 100 days and beyond, affordable, high-quality healthcare, getting the economic recession under control, and job creation are top priorities for women for the new Administration and Congress.

Meet 2 Female Founders Aiming To Close The Gender Pay Gap, 80% Of Which Can Be Attributed To The ‘Motherhood Penalty’

By Marija Butkovic The moment we start a family is a pivotal moment for our financial futures. We think about strollers, diapers, but really, childcare is the biggest financial hit. Infant care is more expensive than college in over half of the U.S., and the [...]

February 17, 2021|Categories: Press Hits|Tags: , , |

Building a Better Post-COVID Future for Women in New Orleans

The coronavirus pandemic has had a devastating impact on women’s employment across the nation, and perhaps nowhere more than the city of New Orleans, a metropolitan area heavily dependent on hospitality and tourism dollars that have all but vanished during the past year. A new [...]

February 10, 2021|Categories: Press Hits|Tags: , , , , |

Women are more likely to work under, and violate, pay secrecy policies

By Sara Savat It has been more than half a century since the landmark Equal Pay Act passed, yet the gender pay gap still exists. On average, women make 18% less than their male counterparts. Lack of transparency in pay contributes to the disparity, according [...]

February 8, 2021|Categories: Press Hits|Tags: , , , |