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Press Room

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William Lutz |

New firm aims to advance women in leadership roles

“A leadership development firm launched this month will provide mentoring programs, executive coaching and management consulting to professionals across the ranks. While the services are available to both sexes, Newport Beach-based Business Women Rising was created with a goal of advancing the presence and effectiveness of women [...]

November 10, 2010|Categories: Press Hits|

Pay Gap for State Jobs Is Shrinking

"The most significant disparity is in top administrative positions. Black men this year were paid nearly $3 less per hour on average than their white male colleagues, and black women averaged $1.43 per hour less than white women. Ariane Hegewisch, a study director for the [...]

November 10, 2010|Categories: Press Hits|

Last-minute Father's Day gift idea

“Still trying to figure out what to get Dad for Father’s Day? How about a health insurance policy. A study released this week by the Center for Economic and Policy Research and the Institute for Women’s Policy Research finds that one in five men ages 18-64 [...]

November 10, 2010|Categories: Press Hits|

90 years after women's suffrage, equality issues unresolved

"As of 2009, women only earned about 77 percent of their male counterparts' salary, with black women earning only 68.9 cents for every dollar earned by a white male and Hispanic/Latina women 60.2 cents, says the Institute for Women's Policy Research. 'We have this tendency [...]

November 10, 2010|Categories: Press Hits|

A New Labor Standard for Labor Day: Paid Sick Leave

" Studies show that paid sick leave is beneficial for employers too. Currently, businesses lose money from high turnover rates caused by illness absences and from the lowered productivity that results from sick employees spreading their germs at work. The Institute of Women's Policy Research [...]

November 9, 2010|Categories: Press Hits|

White House Promotes Economic Efforts for Women

"As one of its closing arguments before the midterm elections, the Obama administration is highlighting the impact its economic policies have had on women. A 32-page report released Thursday by the National Economic Council, a policy coordination arm of the White House, described scores of [...]

November 4, 2010|Categories: Press Hits|