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Press Room

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William Lutz |

‘Job Killers’ That Aren’t

"Local business organizations vigorously opposed San Francisco's[Paid Sick Leave] law when it was proposed, predicting job losses, shuttered businesses and slashed benefits. But they were wrong. A recent survey by the Institute of Women's Policy Research of employers and workers found that San Francisco's law [...]

May 19, 2011|Categories: Press Hits|

'Job Killers' That Aren't

"Local business organizations vigorously opposed San Francisco's[Paid Sick Leave] law when it was proposed, predicting job losses, shuttered businesses and slashed benefits. But they were wrong. A recent survey by the Institute of Women's Policy Research of employers and workers found that San Francisco's law [...]

May 19, 2011|Categories: Press Hits|

Do Universities Support Student Parents?

Handsel represents one of 3.9 million student-parents pursuing post-secondary education. But according to a new report from the Institute for Women's Policy Research, only five percent of their child care is supplied on campus. In fact, it's estimated there are only 54,400 slots for the [...]

May 17, 2011|Categories: Press Hits|

Women Trail Men in Recovering Jobs

"A large part of the problem is that women are disproportionately represented in state and local governments—and that is where many jobs are being cut now. 'It was a very broad and deep recession for everybody," said Heidi Hartmann, president of the Institute for Women's [...]

May 6, 2011|Categories: Press Hits|

Moms (and Dads) in the United States Still Lack Access to Paid Family Leave

To mark Mother’s Day, the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) released a new fact sheet showing that paid maternity leave policies have improved to be nearly universal among the country’s top 100 family-friendly employers (based on analysis of Working Mother magazine’s “100 Best Companies”).

May 5, 2011|Categories: Press Releases|