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Press Room

For Media Inquiries or Permission Requests:

William Lutz |

Could Unmarried Women Cost Obama Re-election In 2012?

"Single mothers are especially struggling. In another report from the Institute of Women's Policy Research, 66 percent said they failed to pay bills within the past year, 44 percent had difficulty paying rent or making mortgage payments, and 80 percent of single mothers said they [...]

October 24, 2011|Categories: Press Hits|

The Recession in Pink and Blue

"Even mothers receiving support from fathers tend to take more responsibility for meeting family needs, intensifying the experience of economic insecurity. A recent report issued by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research assessed some of the most stressful consequences of a high unemployment rate, based [...]

October 24, 2011|Categories: Press Hits|

Social Security increase should be bigger

"But rather than increasing the Social Security COLA to keep up with escalating health costs, most inside-the-beltway discussions these days revolve around adopting a lower COLA as a way to help close Social Security's modest projected shortfall. The super committee may be considering such a [...]

October 21, 2011|Categories: Press Hits|

Exclusive: After the Great Recession

It is almost as if women and men have had two different recessions and are now having two different recoveries. Case in point: 50 percent of women aged 18 to 34 report in a recent IWPR survey funded by the Rockefeller Foundation that they were [...]

October 7, 2011|Categories: Press Hits|

Survey: Women Faring Poorly in Recovery

According to research from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), Americans are reeling from the very high levels of job loss seen during the Great Recession of 2007–2009, and women and single mothers in particular are reporting higher rates of financial strain and daily hardship.

October 3, 2011|Categories: Press Releases|