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Press Room

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William Lutz |

Women Get Short Straw for Pay on Capitol Hill

"In the Senate, the gap was even larger. Men working for the Senate GOP leadership earned, on average, $73 more for each day they worked than females in the GOP's Senate leadership, or about $27,000 more per year, according to the analysis, which was first [...]

July 18, 2012|Categories: Press Hits|

'Family Care' Benefit Could Fix Retiree Pay Gap

"Because women earn lower wages and take time out of the work force for caregiving, they receive smaller Social Security checks than do male workers. In 2009, the average annual Social Security income of a retired man was $15,620 compared to $12,155 for a woman. [...]

July 18, 2012|Categories: Press Hits|

High Hurdles

"A tour of duty through Congress or the administration is a virtual requirement for high-level policy and lobbying jobs, and that path has an equalizing effect on women’s employment in public policy. An added leveling component comes from the political correctness that fuels this town. [...]

July 13, 2012|Categories: Press Hits|