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William Lutz |

Black Women Were Paid Less than 70 Percent of What White Men Were Paid in Almost Every State

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – July 27, 2021 Contact: Erin Weber | | (646) 719-7021 Washington, D.C. – New research from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research shows that there has been remarkably little progress in closing the gender pay gap between Black women and [...]

July 27, 2021|Categories: Press Releases|Tags: , , |

Pope Francis Agrees: Equal Pay for Women is Long (Long) Overdue

By John W. Miller Editor's Note: The Moral Economy is a new series that tackles key economic topics through the prism of Catholic social teaching and its care for the dignity of every person. This is the seventh article in the series. The gender pay gap, persistent [...]

July 26, 2021|Categories: Press Hits|Tags: , , , , , |

Here’s What You Said Would Improve the Lives of Utah Women

By Becky Jacobs Editor’s note: This article is part of a series examining the status of Utah women. Read the editorial explaining the project and fact checks on issues that typically drive the state’s ranking as the nation’s worst place for women. Take the quiz [...]

July 26, 2021|Categories: Press Hits|Tags: , , , |

How Much Does Workplace Sexual Harassment Cost Over a Lifetime? Up to $1.3 Million, a New Study Estimates

By Meera Jagannathan Workplace sexual harassment can have many intangible psychological and physical consequences, but survivors also face concrete financial costs in the near and long term, according to a new report published nearly four years after the resurgence of the #MeToo movement. On-the-job sexual [...]

Sexual Harassment Can Cost Victims Hundreds of Thousands

By Hannah Mitchell Sexual harassment doesn't just affect survivors' emotional well-being, it can cost them up to $1 million over their lifetime, according to a July 21 report by The Institute for Women's Policy Research. To assess the financial costs of sexual harassment, the researchers [...]

July 22, 2021|Categories: Press Hits|Tags: , , |

Early Childhood Education Expansion Could Empower New Mexico Women, Advocates Say

By Susan Dunlap On August 1, New Mexico will expand early child care assistance to allow a family of four with a  nearly $93,000 yearly income eligible for assistance from the state, among other early childcare changes. Some have said the expansions to early childcare [...]