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William Lutz |

Unionized Women Earn More than Nonunionized Women in Every U.S. State

A new briefing paper released by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) finds that women represented by a union in the United States earn an average of $212 more per week than women in nonunion jobs. In addition, union women earn more in every state, with the size of the union wage advantage varying across states: union women in Wyoming earn $349 per week more than their nonunion counterparts in the state, while union women in the District of Columbia earn $48 more per week than D.C.’s nonunion women.

August 26, 2015|Categories: Press Releases|

Why Hillary Clinton Faces Steep Hurdles in Helping Student Parents

The image of the young, carefree, and untethered college student has been the norm for decades. Increasingly, however, reality looks very different. University lecture halls are filling up with older nontraditional students. These students bring with them job experience, adult financial responsibilities, and, in many [...]

August 25, 2015|Categories: Press Hits|

Single Moms and Welfare Woes: A Higher-Education Dilemma

Although most poor, single mothers today are employed, many of them are  working in low-wage jobs, often in positions without benefits . Earning a college degree  is typically the best route to a high-paying career but many of these women find it hard to squeeze [...]

August 25, 2015|Categories: Press Hits|

Who May Get a Boost From New Overtime Rules

The Obama administration’s move to expand overtime eligibility has the potential to  impact millions of workers . And women, who are  disproportionately concentrated in low-wage jobs , make up the majority of those who may stand to gain. A  new analysis by the left-leaning  Institute [...]

August 25, 2015|Categories: Press Hits|