Press HitsAdministrator2020-08-11T13:06:36-05:00

Press Hits

Median CEO pay reaches $12.1 million—here’s how much the 5 highest-paid leaders earn

By Kathleen Elkins Among companies in general, not just those in the S&P 500, the CEO wage gap actually favors men. The Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR) found that, for full-time chief executives, women's earnings were [...]

May 9, 2018|

Disabled Women’s Equal Pay Struggles Often Go Unheard — But You Can Help Include Them

By ROBYN POWELL Poverty is even more prevalent in the disability community. Nearly 27 percent of people with disabilities live below the federal poverty level, reports the U.S. Census Bureau. Notably, providing equal pay to women would [...]

April 11, 2018|

In a field of terrible judicial nominees, Wendy Vitter is exceptionally unfit

BY DANA SINGISER, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR If Vitter is confirmed, she would be serving in a state where reproductive health and rights are under constant attack from politicians. Louisiana ranks 46th for reproductive rights and 49th for women’s [...]

April 11, 2018|