SWS – Employment and EarningsAdministrator2021-09-17T16:11:58-05:00

Employment and Earnings

The equal participation of women in politics and government is integral to building strong communities and a vibrant democracy in which women and men can thrive. By voting, running for office, and engaging in civil society as leaders and activists, women shape laws, policies, and decision-making in ways that reflect their interests and needs, as well as those of their families and communities.

Today, women constitute a powerful force in the electorate and inform policymaking at all levels of government. Yet, women continue to be underrepresented in governments across the nation and face barriers that often make it difficult for them to exercise political power and assume leadership positions in the public sphere. This chapter presents data on several aspects of women’s involvement in the political process in the United States: voter registration and turnout, female state and federal elected and appointed representation, and state-based institutional resources for women. It examines how women fare on these indicators of women’s status, the progress women have made and where it has stalled, and how racial and ethnic disparities compound gender disparities in specific forms of political participation.


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Political Participation Rank and Score by State

Unequal Burden: Challenges Facing Black Women Social Workers

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Want to Help Women? Get Rid of the Tipped Minimum Wage.

Tipping is a prevalent practice in the United States and has been subject to debate in recent years, partly amidst a global pandemic that drastically impacted the restaurant industry and triggered a cost-of-living crisis. The fact sheet provides national and state-by-state estimates of the [...]

Native Women Won’t Reach Pay Equity Until 2202

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By IWPR|November 18, 2024|Fact Sheet|