Focus on Lebanon Topic Brief: Project Overview and Respondent Demographics

A project by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) and The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) with funding from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

By International Foundation for Electoral Systems and IWPR|2021-06-13T20:26:51-05:00February 2, 2011|IWPR|Comments Off on Focus on Lebanon Topic Brief: Project Overview and Respondent Demographics

Focus on Morocco Topic Brief: Paid Work and Control of Earnings and Assets (French Translation)

Ce projet est effectué par la Fondation internationale pour les systèmes électoraux (IFES) et l'Institut chargé des recherches relatives aux politiques de la femme (IWPR), et financé par l'Agence canadienne de développement international (CIDA)

By International Foundation for Electoral Systems and IWPR|2021-06-13T20:33:08-05:00February 2, 2011|IWPR|Comments Off on Focus on Morocco Topic Brief: Paid Work and Control of Earnings and Assets (French Translation)

Focus on Morocco Topic Brief: Educational Attainment and Career Aspirations (French Translation)


By International Foundation for Electoral Systems|2021-06-05T14:18:23-05:00February 2, 2011|IWPR|Comments Off on Focus on Morocco Topic Brief: Educational Attainment and Career Aspirations (French Translation)