The Impact of Social Security Reform on Women

Based on Research on older women using the New Beneficiary Survey from the Social Security Administration, this report analyzes the likely impact of various privatization reform proposals on women.

By Lois Shaw, Heidi Hartmann and Diana Zuckerman|2020-11-23T23:35:42-05:00June 18, 1998|IWPR|Comments Off on The Impact of Social Security Reform on Women

The Male/Female Wage Gap: Lifetime Earnings Losses

Using Current Population Survey data from 1979-1996, the authors estimate the lifetime earnings losses to an average 25-year-old woman today who works full-time year round for 40 years compared with an average 25-year-old man, assuming recent earnings trends for women and men prevail in the future.

By IWPR|2020-12-14T06:20:40-05:00March 5, 1998|IWPR|Comments Off on The Male/Female Wage Gap: Lifetime Earnings Losses