The Gender Wage Gap Earnings Ratio Between Women and Men Employed Full-Time, Year-Round, 1997

The Institute for Women’s Policy Research’s ongoing research project The Status of Women in the States measures women’s status in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

By April Shaw|2020-11-12T04:35:36-05:00January 1, 2000|IWPR|Comments Off on The Gender Wage Gap Earnings Ratio Between Women and Men Employed Full-Time, Year-Round, 1997

Part-Time Opportunities for Professionals and Managers: Where are They, Who uses Them and Why

Married women and children entered the workforce in unprecedented numbers during the last two decades, and part-time employment is one strategy that could potentially help employees successfully integrate their work and family responsibilities.

By Heidi Hartmann, Diana Zuckerman and Young-Hee Yoon|2021-02-16T04:07:55-05:00January 1, 2000|IWPR|Comments Off on Part-Time Opportunities for Professionals and Managers: Where are They, Who uses Them and Why

How Much Can Child Support Provide? Welfare, Family Income, and Child Support

When signing the most current welfare legislation, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA).

By Kristine Witkowski and Hsaio-Ye Yi|2021-01-31T19:57:43-05:00March 1, 1999|IWPR|Comments Off on How Much Can Child Support Provide? Welfare, Family Income, and Child Support

Demographic and Economic Trends: Implications for Family Life and Public Policy

Among the most important economic and social changes in the United States is the changing role of women.

By Heidi Hartmann|2020-12-28T02:30:06-05:00December 5, 1998|IWPR|Comments Off on Demographic and Economic Trends: Implications for Family Life and Public Policy

Part-Time Opportunities for Professionals and Managers

While it is often assumed that part-time work in professional or managerial jobs would provide parents with increased flexibility to juggle work and family responsibilities while also earning a good income, a recent study by the Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR) shows that few professionals and managers are employed part time.

By Shannon Garrett and Anna Rocket|2020-11-23T02:03:58-05:00December 1, 1998|IWPR|Comments Off on Part-Time Opportunities for Professionals and Managers

Part-Time Opportunities for Professionals and Managers

While it is often assumed that part-time work in professional or managerial jobs would provide parents with increased flexibility to juggle work and family responsibilities while also earning a good income, a recent study by the Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR) shows that few professionals and managers are employed part-time.

By Shannon Garrett and Anna Rocket|2021-02-16T04:17:26-05:00December 1, 1998|IWPR|Comments Off on Part-Time Opportunities for Professionals and Managers