Roberta Spalter-Roth, Ph.D.

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So far Roberta Spalter-Roth has created 42 blog entries.

Unnecessary Losses:Costs to Americans for the Lack of Family and Medical Leave

Unnecessary Losses concludes that the costs to workers and taxpayers of the current lack of national policy are many times greater than the cost to business of having a national policy.

By Heidi Hartmann and Roberta Spalter-Roth|2020-11-18T00:16:38-05:00May 1, 1991|IWPR|Comments Off on Unnecessary Losses:Costs to Americans for the Lack of Family and Medical Leave

Working Parents: Differences, Similarities, And the Implications for a Policy Agenda

This paper has several goals: to describe, for the United States, the universe of working parents and their children; to note the differences and similarities among these parents and children, based on family structure

By Heidi Hartmann and Roberta Spalter-Roth|2020-12-02T04:30:32-05:00November 9, 1990|IWPR|Comments Off on Working Parents: Differences, Similarities, And the Implications for a Policy Agenda

Improving Employment Opportunities for Women Workers: An Assessment of the Ten Year Economic and Legal Impact of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978

Issues of rights or equity for working women (and men) promise to continue to be as hotly contested in the 1990s as these issues were in the 1970s and 1980s.

By Roberta Spalter-RothClaudia Withers and Sheila Gibbs|2021-02-19T01:56:45-05:00September 1, 1990|IWPR|Comments Off on Improving Employment Opportunities for Women Workers: An Assessment of the Ten Year Economic and Legal Impact of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978

Low-Wage Work, Health Benefits, and Family Well-Being

Departing from the outmoded view that only male breadwinners need earn a wage adequate to support a family, a study by IWPR examines the adequacy of wages and benefits of all adult workers for family support.

By Roberta Spalter-RothHeidi Hartmann and Linda Andrews|2020-11-25T03:06:30-05:00March 1, 1990|IWPR|Comments Off on Low-Wage Work, Health Benefits, and Family Well-Being

The Importance of Health Benefits in the Telecommunications Industry

This Briefing Paper is one of a series of occasional papers by the Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR) on the status of women workers in the communications and other service industries.

By Roberta Spalter-Roth and Linda Andrews|2020-12-12T20:11:45-05:00August 1, 1989|IWPR|Comments Off on The Importance of Health Benefits in the Telecommunications Industry

Mothers, Children, and Low-Wage Work: The Ability to Earn a Family Wage

The most frequently mentioned cause of the feminization of poverty is the change in family structure-thee increase in divorce, nonmarital births, and independent households established by women (McLanahan et al. 1989; Pearce 1989).

By Roberta Spalter-RothHeidi Hartmann and Nancy Collins|2020-11-14T00:56:26-05:00August 1, 1989|IWPR|Comments Off on Mothers, Children, and Low-Wage Work: The Ability to Earn a Family Wage

Unnecessary Losses: Costs to Americans in the States of the Lack of Family and Medical Leave

Despite widespread agreement that employment policies should be responsive to the needs of working families, Congress is currently engaged in debate about a national leave policy that would require minimum protections against job loss because of family and medical needs.

By Roberta Spalter-Roth and Heidi Hartmann|2020-11-15T00:43:00-05:00August 1, 1989|IWPR|Comments Off on Unnecessary Losses: Costs to Americans in the States of the Lack of Family and Medical Leave