Kevin Miller

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So far Kevin Miller has created 31 blog entries.

Valuing Good Health in Denver: The Costs and Benefits of Paid Sick Days

Voters in Denver will consider a referendum on the 2011 ballot regarding the issue of requiring employers to provide paid sick days.

By Kevin Miller and Claudia Williams|2021-01-23T03:44:02-05:00October 11, 2011|IWPR|Comments Off on Valuing Good Health in Denver: The Costs and Benefits of Paid Sick Days

Paid Sick Days and Employer Penalties for Absence

Paid sick days laws, including those in San Francisco, CA, and Washington, DC, as well as many proposed elsewhere and nationally, include anti-retaliation provisions: if an employee uses paid sick days for an appropriate purpose, they cannot be fired, demoted, or otherwise penalized as a result.

By Kevin MillerRobert Drago and Claudia Williams|2020-11-22T21:35:51-05:00July 5, 2011|IWPR|Comments Off on Paid Sick Days and Employer Penalties for Absence

Paid Sick Days in Connecticut Would Improve Health Outcomes, Help Control Health Care Costs

In Connecticut, 37 percent of the percent of the private sector workforce, or 471,000 workers, lack access to paid sick days.

By Kevin MillerClaudia Williams and Robert Drago|2020-11-11T22:21:49-05:00May 12, 2011|IWPR|Comments Off on Paid Sick Days in Connecticut Would Improve Health Outcomes, Help Control Health Care Costs

Improving Child Care Access to Promote Postsecondary Success Among Low-Income Parents

This report examines the role of child care as a crucial support for parents who pursue postsecondary education.

By Kevin Miller and Barbara Gault|2020-12-23T00:03:09-05:00March 22, 2011|IWPR|Comments Off on Improving Child Care Access to Promote Postsecondary Success Among Low-Income Parents

44 Million U.S. Workers Lacked Paid Sick Days in 2010: 77 Percent of Food Service Workers Lacked Access

A new analysis from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) reveals that, after correcting for job tenure requirements imposed by employers, the estimated number of employees who can access paid sick days decreases noticeably.

By Claudia WilliamsRobert Drago and Kevin Miller|2020-11-13T03:35:18-05:00January 3, 2011|IWPR|Comments Off on 44 Million U.S. Workers Lacked Paid Sick Days in 2010: 77 Percent of Food Service Workers Lacked Access

Valuing Good Health in Connecticut: The Costs and Benefits of Paid Sick Days

Policymakers across the country are increasingly interested in ensuring that workers have paid sick days.

By Kevin Miller and Claudia Williams|2021-02-19T00:29:07-05:00April 1, 2010|IWPR|Comments Off on Valuing Good Health in Connecticut: The Costs and Benefits of Paid Sick Days

Sick at Work: Infected Employees in the Workplace During the H1N1 Pandemic

During the recent flu pandemic, workers were urged to stay home when ill. Many employees in the U.S., however, either cannot take leave when they or a child are sick or do not receive pay for doing so.

By Robert Drago and Kevin Miller|2020-11-29T03:24:41-05:00January 31, 2010|IWPR|Comments Off on Sick at Work: Infected Employees in the Workplace During the H1N1 Pandemic