Jeff Hayes, Ph.D.

About Jeff Hayes

Jeff Hayes is a sociologist and Scholar in Residence at American University and works on research examining women’s and men’s employment, job quality, and economic security over the life course, including retirement. He currently oversees IWPR’s work analyzing usage and cost of paid family and medical leave in the United States and provides technical assistance to several states and localities considering how they might improve workers’ access to paid leave for their own health needs or to care for family members. Dr. Hayes has been interviewed on paid leave, income security, and job quality issues in The Washington Post, MarketWatch, Huffington Post, CNN Money, CNBC, and other outlets around the country.

Dr. Hayes has testified on the costs of paid leave proposals before the New York City Council, the DC city council, and the Maryland House Economic Matters committee. He is currently serving on the Maryland Task Force to Study Family and Medical Leave Insurance. He served on the Commission to Modernize Social Security and has provided technical assistance to members of the US Congress on including credits for caregiving in Social Security. Dr. Hayes is a member of the National Academy of Social Insurance. As an experienced survey researcher, Dr. Hayes advises on IWPR’s survey work and conducts major surveys such as the IWPR/Rockefeller Survey of Economic Security.

Prior to joining IWPR, Dr. Hayes worked at the McGill Institute for Health and Social Policy and the Harvard Project on Global Working Families, analyzing how labor conditions affect children’s health and development around the world, and taught research methods at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He holds Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Religious Studies from the University of Virginia.

The Pandemic Effect: Women Want Good Pay, Health Coverage, and Better Benefits as They Re-Enter Workforce

A new national survey by IWPR finds solid pay, health insurance, job security, retirement benefits, and paid leave top the list of considerations for women as they re-enter the workforce. 

By C. Nicole Mason and Jeff Hayes|2025-01-27T19:24:03-05:00March 10, 2022|Equitable Work and Wages|0 Comments

Resilience in Hard Times: Young Women Report Optimism in the Face of Pandemic Recession

New IWPR survey data show that young women remain remarkably optimistic about achieving the “American dream” in the face of the COVID-19 crisis. To ensure young women stay on track toward achieving their dreams, policies that support them in their academic and professional pursuits should be prioritized.

By Jeff Hayes|2025-01-27T19:24:04-05:00December 13, 2021|Equitable Work and Wages|0 Comments

For Women in Unions, Paid Leave Is Not a Pipe Dream

Union membership provides improved access to critical benefits like paid leave, along with better pay, health insurance, and pensions. For women, this advantage is especially helpful for weathering crises like COVID-19 and the resulting “she-cession.”

By Jeff Hayes|2025-01-27T19:24:05-05:00November 2, 2021|Equitable Work and Wages|0 Comments

As States Eye Texas-Style Abortion Bans, Economic Costs to Bottom Line and Women are High

Implementing abortion bans in target states like Texas could cost local economies nearly $20 billion and hurt women’s earnings and labor force participation.

By Jeff Hayes and Elyse Shaw|2025-01-29T23:08:40-05:00September 13, 2021|Reproductive Justice and Health Equity|0 Comments

All Work and Little Pay: IWPR Survey Shows Worrying Challenges for Working Mothers

IWPR’s new survey finds that, on the heels of the economic downturn, working mothers are skeptical about their ability to achieve equal pay. They also report being worried about paying bills and balancing work and family demands. Paid leave and health care are top priorities.

By Jeff Hayes and C. Nicole Mason|2021-12-03T12:33:22-05:00May 4, 2021|Briefing Paper, Publications|0 Comments

What Women Want: IWPR National Survey Details Priorities for the New Administration

A new National Survey by IWPR finds in first 100 days and beyond, affordable, high-quality healthcare, getting the economic recession under control, and job creation are top priorities for women for the new Administration and Congress. Women have been most affected by the COVID-incited economic downturn

By Jeff Hayes and C. Nicole Mason|2021-04-29T15:58:06-05:00February 24, 2021|Briefing Paper, In the Lead, Publications|0 Comments

Women’s Median Earnings as a Percent of Men’s, 1985–2019 (Full-Time, Year-Round Workers) with Projections for Pay Equity, by Race/Ethnicity

Notes: Estimates presented for All Women are based on [...]

By Valerie Lacarte and Jeff Hayes|2025-01-27T19:24:10-05:00September 28, 2020|Equitable Work and Wages|0 Comments

Women’s Median Earnings as a Percent of Men’s, 1960–2019 (Full-Time, Year-Round Workers) with Projections for Pay Equity in 2059

Women’s Median Earnings as a Percent of Men’s Median Earnings, 1960-2019 (Full-time, Year-round Workers) with Projection for Pay Equity in 2059

By Valerie Lacarte and Jeff Hayes|2025-01-27T19:24:11-05:00September 15, 2020|Equitable Work and Wages|0 Comments

Widespread Decline in Household Income During COVID-19 Pandemic Contributes to Food Insufficiency Among Families

COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on the economic security and well-being of families. In addition to finding and sustaining employment, many families are struggling with food insufficiency, a direct consequence of lost earnings. Nationally, more than 37 million Americans, including more than 11 million children are food insecure.