Bethany Nelson

About Bethany Nelson

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So far Bethany Nelson has created 2 blog entries.

Investing in Success: How Quality Early Child Care, Education, and Workforce Training Improve the Well-Being of Girls and Women

Recognizing that education is the gateway to opportunity, the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) has been a significant source of research on education and training, including work on early care and education, girls’ experiences in the K-12 system, high quality workforce development opportunities, and postsecondary attainment.

By Barbara GaultBethany Nelson and Holly Firlein|2020-12-28T02:09:52-05:00May 22, 2013|IWPR|Comments Off on Investing in Success: How Quality Early Child Care, Education, and Workforce Training Improve the Well-Being of Girls and Women

College Students with Children are Common and Face Many Challenges in Completing Higher Education Summary

The role of parenthood in postsecondary outcomes needs greater focus from the higher education reform community.