White House Promotes Economic Efforts for Women
"As one of its closing arguments before the midterm elections, [...]
"As one of its closing arguments before the midterm elections, [...]
Heidi Hartmann, president of the Institute for Women's Policy Research, [...]
The earnings gap between men and women has shrunk to [...]
Though the storm has long since passed, women and children [...]
It’s pretty simple: more women are graduating from college than [...]
Gotta love it: the more education women get, the more [...]
Fewer Black women remained, returned or moved to New Orleans [...]
"Women of color remained, returned, or moved to New Orleans [...]
Mark Perry, a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, [...]
Of the over 6 million students earning college credit at community colleges, 1.7 million (27 percent) are parents. Of those, about 1 million (16 percent) are single parents, more than twice the proportion at 4-year institutions. Three-quarters of single parents in college are women.