The Gender Wage Gap

The poll found that four in every 10 women in all the participating countries listed pay as the most important workplace issue. In the U.S. it clocked in as the biggest concern, with 58% placing it at the top of the list.

We know that achieving parity is going to take a long time, especially when it will take the length of 10 journeys to Pluto to equal the time it would take to have women occupy the C-suite in half of the major businesses in the U.S.

This is also due, in part, to a wage gap that is far more complex than a single dollar figure. For instance, women of color and immigrants make even less than white women, according to a study by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR). And age factors in as well.

In the Ipsos poll, 43% of millennial women were confident they’d earn equal pay, while older gen Xers and boomers were less sure. Confidence dropped to 34% among women between the ages of 50 to 64. American women were among the least optimistic when it came to earning equal pay. Only 28% of respondents believe they earn the same salary as men doing the same job. That number changes drastically in India, where six in 10 are women confident that they earn the same amount.