In January 28, 2009, Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico issued Executive Order 2009-004 ‘Fair and Equal Pay for All New Mexicans Initiative’ which formally declared that identifying and combating pay inequity and job segregation was the policy of the State of New Mexico and established a ‘Governor’s Taskforce on Fair and Equal Pay (“The Taskforce”). The recommendations of The Taskforce address pay equity in the state’s direct workforce and in companies seeking to provide goods and services to the state of New Mexico. The recommendations were implemented by means of an executive order in 2010. The New Mexico experience has shown that pay equity reporting can be implemented without legislation and that compliance with new reporting requirements by employers is unproblematic.
The New Mexico Pay Equity Initiative in State Contracting
By Martha Burk|2020-11-12T05:24:45-05:00May 15, 2011|IWPR|Comments Off on The New Mexico Pay Equity Initiative in State Contracting