Why Privatizing Social Security Would Hurt Women
Social Security reform is a women’s issue. Women make up 60 percent of Social Security beneficiaries, and they depend more heavily on Social Security than men do for their income in retirement.
Social Security reform is a women’s issue. Women make up 60 percent of Social Security beneficiaries, and they depend more heavily on Social Security than men do for their income in retirement.
This report is from the 1999 Working Conference on Women and Social Security. It presents recommendations on how to close Social Security's projected solvency gap as well as options to strengthen Social Security for women and families.
This report is from the 1999 Working Conference on Women and Social Security. It presents recommendations on how to close Social Security’s projected solvency gap as well as options to strengthen Social Security for women and families.
Social Security reform is a women's issue.
The Institute for Women’s Policy Research’s ongoing research project The Status of Women in the States measures women’s status in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
A report from the working conference on Women and Social Security.
Married women and children entered the workforce in unprecedented numbers during the last two decades, and part-time employment is one strategy that could potentially help employees successfully integrate their work and family responsibilities.
Explains how unemployment insurance (UI) works and discusses how women workers are often excluded from eligibility.
The Welfare Reform Act of 1996 fundamentally changed welfare in ways that may negatively impact the housing stability of current and former TANF recipients and their families.
When signing the most current welfare legislation, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA).