The Status of Women in Rhode Island, 2002: Highlights
Rhode Island reflects both the advances and limited progress achieved by women in the United States.
Rhode Island reflects both the advances and limited progress achieved by women in the United States.
Colorado reflects both the advances and limited progress achieved by women in the United States.
During the twentieth century, women made significant economic, political, and social advances, but they are far from enjoying gender equality.
During the twentieth century, women made significant economic, political, and social advances, but they are far from enjoying gender equality.
West Virginia reflects both the advances and limited progress achieved by women in the United States
Maryland reflects both the advances and limited progress achieved by women in the United States.
Texas reflects both the advances and limited progress achieved by women in the United States.
In 2000, Robert Putnam’s book Bowling Alone called attention to a compelling problem: a decline in levels of social capital, or community connectedness, across the United States.
This Research-in-Brief presents selected findings from an IWPR analysis examining disabilities among children and mothers in low-income families.
This Research-in-Brief is based on selected findings from an Institute for Women’s Policy Research study, Life After Welfare Reform: The Characteristics, Work, and Well Being of Low-Income Single Parent Families, Pre- and Post-PRWORA. The findings in this study underscore the need to make improvements to the welfare system to address gender and racial inequities and focus on poverty reduction.