Focus on Morocco Topic Brief: Freedom of Movement, Freedom from Harassment & Violence (French Translation)
During the recent flu pandemic, workers were urged to stay home when ill. Many employees in the U.S., however, either cannot take leave when they or a child are sick or do not receive pay for doing so.
In January, IWPR was very pleased to have our decades of work on pay equity recognized when IWPR’s president was invited to the White House signing ceremony for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act.
Ce projet est effectué par la Fondation internationale pour les systèmes électoraux (IFES) et l'Institut chargé des recherches relatives aux politiques de la femme (IWPR), et financé par l'Agence canadienne de développement international (CIDA)
IWPR Launches Roundtable Series on Women and the Economy; Identifying Milestones on the Road to Equality and more articles.
Testimony of Kevin Miller, Ph.D., before the Joint Standing Committee on Labor of the 124th Maine State Legislature regarding L.D. 1665, “An Act to Prevent the Spread of H1N1”
Testimony of Kevin Miller, Ph.D., before the Joint Standing Committee on Labor of the 124th Maine State Legislature regarding L.D. 1665, “An Act to Prevent the Spread of H1N1”