
Community College Students Need Fair Job Scheduling Practices

Working is often critical to community college students’ ability to pursue a postsecondary education, but holding a job while in school can threaten a student’s success in college.

By Lindsey Reichlin Cruse and Barbara Gault|2020-11-16T00:48:02-05:00July 22, 2014|IWPR|Comments Off on Community College Students Need Fair Job Scheduling Practices

Paid Sick Days Access Varies by Race/Ethnicity, Sexual Orientation, and Job Characteristics

Paid sick days bring multiple benefits to employers, workers, families, and communities at large.

By Jeff Hayes, Barbara Gault and Rachel OConnor|2021-01-23T17:29:33-05:00July 18, 2014|IWPR|Comments Off on Paid Sick Days Access Varies by Race/Ethnicity, Sexual Orientation, and Job Characteristics

Recently Proposed Legislation Affecting Social Security (Appendix to IWPR #D504)

Legislation Affection Social Security Introduced in the 110th-113th Congresses

By Mary Sykes and Susan Andrzejewski|2021-01-31T21:36:05-05:00July 11, 2014|IWPR|Comments Off on Recently Proposed Legislation Affecting Social Security (Appendix to IWPR #D504)

Job Growth in June Strong for Women and Men; Men Still Short 582,000 Jobs from Pre-Recession Peak

According to an Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) analysis of the July employment report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), although the total number of jobs lost in the recession has been recovered (138,780,000 jobs in June 2014 vs 138,350,000 jobs in December 2007 when the recession began), men are still short 582,000 from their pre-recession peak.

By IWPR|2020-11-29T19:04:52-05:00July 3, 2014|IWPR|Comments Off on Job Growth in June Strong for Women and Men; Men Still Short 582,000 Jobs from Pre-Recession Peak

Access to Paid Sick Leave in Oakland, California

This briefing paper presents estimates of access to paid sick leave in Oakland by age, sex, race and ethnicity, industry, and hourly earnings through analysis of government data sources, including the 2011–2012 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS), and the 2012 American Community Survey (ACS).

By Jessica Milli|2020-10-31T03:29:25-05:00June 13, 2014|IWPR|Comments Off on Access to Paid Sick Leave in Oakland, California

The Court’s Guide to Safety and Economic Security for Victims of Violence Against Women

Recognizing that survivors’ safety and their economic security are inextricably linked, the Economic Security for Survivors (ESS) Project promotes strategies that foster economic security within the justice system and in partnership with the non-profits that serve survivors.

By Wider Opportunities for Women|2021-01-18T02:27:11-05:00May 13, 2014|IWPR|Comments Off on The Court’s Guide to Safety and Economic Security for Victims of Violence Against Women

Addressing Economic Security in Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Cases: A Judicial Bench Card

The Addressing Economic Security Judicial Bench Card is the ideal companion tool for judges presiding over domestic/dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking cases. In addition to highlighting the importance of considering victim economic security within the court, this concise, user-friendly form contains checklists for economic-related crimes and evidence, determining economic relief during intake or post-trial, and economic considerations for sentencing and enforcement.

By Wider Opportunities for Women|2020-11-11T23:21:11-05:00May 13, 2014|IWPR|Comments Off on Addressing Economic Security in Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Cases: A Judicial Bench Card

Building Women’s Political Careers: Strengthening the Pipeline to Higher Office

The Achieving Parity Study conducted at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research and Funded by Hunt Alternatives Fund consisted of administering 45 interviews (36 in-depth and 9 brief interviews) with experienced candidates and officeholders and convening several focus groups

By Heidi Hartmann|2020-11-24T04:40:56-05:00May 7, 2014|IWPR|Comments Off on Building Women’s Political Careers: Strengthening the Pipeline to Higher Office