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Press Releases

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SC mife decision June 2024
Supreme Court Rejects Far Right Effort to Restrict Access to Medication Abortions and Mifepristone

"The far-right effort to block access to mifepristone is not about women’s safety—it is about controlling women’s choices and curtailing their freedoms. It is part of a broader crusade to impose their own ideology on women in this country and prevent them from making their own reproductive health care decisions. Today, we celebrate this decision, but we must remain vigilant against such attacks.”
--IWPR President Dr. Jamila K. Taylor

Black Single Mothers in College
Understanding the Needs of Black Single Mothers in College

IWPR spoke with 25 Black single mothers as they strive for their college degree about the challenges they face and the programs that help them balance family with their academic careers.

EPD 2024 Wage Gap Fact Sheet
On Equal Pay Day 2024, New IWPR Report Reveals that Women Earn Less than Men in All Occupations, Even Ones Commonly Held by Women

Women are paid eighty-four (84) cents for every dollar a man makes, a persistent gender wage gap that spans all professions, even those typically held by women, according to a new report released by IWPR

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In 13 U.S. States, a Woman Born Today Will Not See Equal Pay During Her Working Life

If current trends continue, women living in North Dakota, Utah, Louisiana, and Wyoming will not see equal pay until the next century Washington, DC—According to a new state analysis released today by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), there are 13 states where progress [...]

March 22, 2017|Categories: Press Releases|

Women’s Weekly Earnings Grew Steadily in 2016, with Strong Gains for Black and Hispanic Women

But Black and Hispanic women still face wide wage gaps Washington, DC—In advance of International Women’s Day 2017 on March 8, a new fact sheet by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) finds that median weekly earnings* for women increased by $14 dollars (or [...]

March 7, 2017|Categories: Press Releases|

Florida Receives D+ on Women’s Poverty and Access to Opportunity, with Wide Disparities by County

Washington, DC—A new county-level analysis of the status of women in Florida, released by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) in partnership with the Florida Women’s Funding Alliance (FWFA), finds that women in Florida have higher rates of poverty, lower educational attainment, and lower access to health insurance coverage than women in the United States overall, but the state ranks 5th in the nation on women’s business ownership. The report estimates that if working women in Florida were paid the same as comparable men—men who are of the same age, have the same level of education, work the same number of hours, and have the same urban/rural status—the poverty rate among all working women would fall by 57.3 percent.

December 14, 2016|Categories: Press Releases|

Job Training and Community College Administrators Say Supportive Services are Key to Program Completion, but are Not Adequately Funded

Washington, DC—A new survey released today by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), reports that 97 percent of job training administrators say that supportive services—such as child care, housing, emergency cash, and transportation assistance—are important or very important in helping participants complete job or skills training programs, but programs lack funding to offer enough services to meet demand. Although virtually all job training administrators want to provide more supportive services, nearly two-thirds say they are unlikely to expand their services in the near future, with funding constraints listed as the top reason.

December 13, 2016|Categories: Press Releases|

Male Inventors are Three Times More Likely to Apply for Patents than Women

A new report from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) finds that, between 2000 and 2016, the number of patent applications with a man listed as the primary inventor was more than triple the number of applications with a woman listed first, but applications filed by women and men primary inventors were accepted at similar rates (67 and 73 percent, respectively).

December 1, 2016|Categories: Press Releases|