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Press Room

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William Lutz |

What’s at Stake for Women Workers in the 2018 Elections

By Andrea Camp Closing the income gap should be a national economic priority. According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, if women were paid the same as men, the poverty rate among working women would decrease from the current 8 percent to 3.8 percent, [...]

October 3, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

Majority of young parents in Connecticut are low-income

By Brian Zahn The economic impact of education can be stark, the report argues. According to a cited report from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, a single mother with an associate degree makes an average of $153,000 more in her lifetime than a single mother [...]

September 25, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

Orleans Parish School Board approves $15 minimum wage for its cafeteria workers

By Wilborn P. Nobles III Women working full-time jobs in Louisiana make about 67 cents for every dollar made by a white man also employed full-time, according to the Institute for Women's Policy Research study, called "The Status of Women in the States." That figure worsens for [...]

September 25, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

Opinion: All college students should take a gender studies class

By Jihan Reksodiputro According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, one in four women have been victims of severe physical violence by partners, as compared to one in seven men. Additionally in the U.S., one in five women have reported being raped in their lifetime as [...]

September 25, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

As More Cities Push for Paid Sick Leave, States Push Back

By Alayna Alvarez In San Francisco, for instance, where workers are given up to nine days paid sick leave a year, the average worker takes only three sick days, according to a 2011 study by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, a social science research [...]

September 24, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

Idaho women less likely to work part time, more likely to be entrepreneurs

BY NICOLE BLANCHARD Entrepreneurial options Increasingly, women are starting their own companies: An American Express study released last month named Idaho 18th in the nation for growth in the number of female-owned businesses. The Institute for Women’s Policy Research found that the number of women in managerial or professional [...]

September 22, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|