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William Lutz |

A third of Mainers don’t make enough to cover monthly expenses, study finds

By Lori Valigra • October 11, 2018 2:37 pm Only 70 percent of Maine’s workers earn enough to cover basic monthly expenses plus save a little for the future, a new study found. The other 30 percent who lack economic security include people of color and families headed [...]

October 12, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

Women aren’t a monolith – and the white women supporting Kavanaugh prove it

By Lucia Graves What’s more, white women and Latina women, the populations most likely to be conservatively influenced by marriage, according to Kretschmer’s study, are often in traditional marriages with male breadwinners. (By contrast, more than 80% of black moms are the breadwinners, according to findings from [...]

October 12, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

Here’s Why I Think It’s a Great Time to Be a Latina in Journalism

By Emilia Benton Research showcases that when it comes to representation in the media, we've made progress, but we still have a long way to go. In 1978, the American Society of News Editors pledged to achieve equal representation between whites and people of color in major [...]

October 8, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

Meet the 6 Lone Star College System board of trustees candidates as they discuss campus safety, funding priorities

By Hannah Zedaker Lone Star College [System] should increase its outreach, especially in our African American and Latin [American] communities. We should recruit students in more mediums. This means, in addition to in-person recruitment at schools, we are doing more digitally to engage people in [...]

October 5, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

Everybody’s face: We have a lot to learn from survivors of domestic violence—and our recent history

By Liz Blood Finances: 74 percent of survivors report staying with an abuser for economic reasons. (Institute for Women’s Policy Research) >Read more

October 3, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

Time crunch causes students with preschoolers to slow studies, drop out

By James Paterson Meanwhile, fewer institutions are offering child care services for students. In 2015, 49% of four-year public colleges offered child care, according to the Institute for Women's Policy Research, down from 55% in 2005. The share of community colleges with child care centers dropped from 53% in [...]

October 3, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|