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William Lutz |

Policy can work. Just compare the Canadian and U.S. labour markets

By Matt Lundy “Not only could a paid family leave program keep women in the workforce and decrease their need for public assistance, but it could reduce employer costs and contribute to U.S. economic growth,” said a 2014 report from the Washington-based Institute for Women’s Policy [...]

November 16, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court Appointment Could Mean the Return of Bigoted Abortion Bans

By Amanda Lamm That’s because Indiana too often chooses to invest its resources in promoting an anti-abortionagenda, rather than in the programs and services that would allow all Hoosiers and families to thrive. Poverty is on the rise in many major Indiana cities. Our increasing maternal and infant mortality rates are far [...]

November 16, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

Influential Panel: Health-Care Providers Need to Screen for Domestic Violence

by Nicole Knight But before #MeToo, intimate partner violence (IPV) was a deadly undercurrent for millions of women and men. About one in four women and one in ten men will experience a form of partner violence and report its impact, according to the National Intimate Partner and [...]

November 16, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

How This Latina Founder Is Negotiating A Vegan Rebellion In Meat-Loving Texas

By Tanya Tarr Mariposa's experience and advice couldn't be more relevant on Equal Pay Day for Latinas. On average, Latinas make $0.54 for every $1 that her white male counterpart made in 2017, represented in time by the date of November 1, 2018. Research organizations like the Institute [...]

November 1, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

Millennials are more open than Boomers to talk about pay

By Zack Guzman But a willingness to discuss pay in the office can help bolster an employee’s positioning when it comes time for salary negotiations. There is even evidence that suggests pay transparency may help with the gender pay gap. For example, one Institute for Women’s Policy [...]

October 31, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|