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William Lutz |

How Much Income It Takes To Survive In Every State, Mapped

By Digg Earning enough money just to meet your basic needs and set a little extra aside for retirement and emergencies is much easier said than done. Only 67 percent of American adults are economically secure, according to a new report from the Institute for Women's Policy [...]

December 20, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

Americans want equality at work; less so at home

by C.K. A RECENT analysis of earnings trends in America suggested that women earned 49 cents for every dollar earned by men between 2001 and 2015, thanks both to lower participation in the labour force and lower pay. The gap contrasts with widespread support for workplace equality. New [...]

December 20, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

Posts of Professors Holding Babies in Class Often Go Viral. Is That the Reality of Students With Kids?

By Cailin Crowe The posts go viral because they illustrate a systemic problem, said Barbara Gault, vice president and executive director of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. People understand that colleges and universities don’t always recognize the caregiving responsibilities of students who are also [...]

December 20, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

In high-paying jobs, the wage gap can cost women millions

By Julia Carpenter The compensation models in some high-paying professions may be to blame. Pay that's based on negotiation, client networks and company share payouts means hundreds of thousands of dollars could separate men and women in these top-paying fields, says Ariane Hegewisch, research director [...]

December 19, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|

Curious What CEOs Make? About 361 Times As Much As Workers

By LUDMILA LEIVA While CEO salaries — like any other salary — vary greatly depending on gender, education level, industry, location, race, and countless other factors, the ever-increasing gap between workers and executives is certainly cause for concern. On top of this, even among the highest-paid [...]

December 17, 2018|Categories: Press Hits|