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William Lutz |

Some industries are still overwhelmingly male-dominated. Here’s how women can get in

By Julia Carpenter Trucking, after all, is grueling work: long shifts, night hours and lots of solitary work. It's also a traditionally male-dominated industry — according to the Institute for Women's Policy Research, less than 5% of truck drivers are female. Occupations like carpentry, construction and [...]

March 8, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|

International Women’s Day: IP Counsel Reflect on Gender Challenges and Progress

By Ellie Mertens Inventorship outside the US is not much better, according to a 2017 WIPO report, 30.5% of international patent applications include at least one women inventor. It says that global gender parity in inventorship remains "a distant prospect". The Institute for Women's Policy [...]

March 8, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|

Management Accountants Close Profession’s Gender Pay Gap Globally

By Amanda Iacone Women in the U.S. earn 85 percent of what their male peers take home—an improvement from 81 percent the prior year. But the wage gap grows as workers age. Women 50 and older earn just 80 percent of what their male colleagues make. [...]

March 7, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|

The secret to closing the nation’s skills gap: moms

by Barbara Humpton It's unlikely we can close the nation's STEM gender gap without granting more degrees in these fields to moms and making college and careers work for them. Mothers of dependent children comprise only 16% of US college students, according to the Institute [...]

March 7, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|

Layoffs hit women and minorities hardest. Here’s why

By Julia Carpenter "If we think about office jobs — secretaries, receptionists — a lot of those things have been automated," says Chandra Childers, study director at the Institute for Women's Policy Research. "We're already seeing potential for that world to change." >>Read more

February 27, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|

New Effort Focuses on Increasing Community College Success for Women Students

by Jamal Watson The new initiative was announced on Wednesday by Dr. Jill Biden, the former Second Lady who is also an English professor at Northern Virginia Community College. “Teaching isn’t just what I do,” Biden told the more than 2,400 Achieving the Dream (ATD) conference attendees who [...]

February 22, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|