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William Lutz |

Kirstjen Nielsen: Walking a tightrope working for Trump

By Tara McKelvey One woman, Nikki Haley, held a position with a cabinet-level rank as ambassador to the United Nations, but she resigned last autumn. "It's kind of a double-edged sword," says Heidi Hartmann, president of a non-profit organisation, the Institute for Women's Policy Research [...]

March 19, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|

Ageism and the Gender Pay Gap: Why Getting Older Can Be Problematic for Women

by Tara O'Sullivan Women live longer than men, so it's fair to argue that they need more income to provide for their retirement. However, women get paid less than men for similar work. A lot of people quote the "80 cents to $1" number which has [...]

March 19, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|

U.S. women’s soccer outperforms the men in every way possible. Why are they paid less?

By THE TIMES EDITORIAL BOARD Pay inequity is not just a sports issue. Women are paid less than men in most occupations. The gap between what the average female workers make in pay relative to the average male worker is generally accepted to be about 80 [...]

March 13, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|

Women face greater threat from job automation than men

By Kate Ryan NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Women across the economic spectrum are more vulnerable than men to losing their jobs to technology, according to a study released on Wednesday by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. Among the positions with more than [...]

March 13, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|

As AI Takes Over Jobs, Women Workers May Have the Most to Lose

By Sarah Holder If the automation revolution is as bad as some researchers believe, almost half of all occupations in the U.S. are at risk of replacement by 2026. Truck drivers will be swapped out for self-driving AI. Manufacturers will use smarter machines instead of [...]

March 13, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|

Clocking the Depressing Relevance of 9 to 5 in 2019

By Hazel Cills In 9 to 5, a worker named Maria is fired after sharing her salary and covertly wondering what a manager makes. That’s, of course, illegal and Violet makes a point of hiring back Maria. But the illegality of employers suppressing conversations about pay [...]

March 8, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|