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Press Room

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William Lutz |

Kept awake by worries, Melinda Gates pledges $1 billion to women’s rights

Ellen Wulfhorst Such an investment can be a big incentive driving other contributions, said Barbara Gault, acting co-president of Institute for Women’s Policy Research, a Washington-based think tank. “The non-profits and advocacy groups that are trying to make change often are underfunded and are operating [...]

October 2, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|

Older Americans Are Increasingly Unwilling — Or Unable — To Retire

by Ina Jaffe Bryant has a little money coming in from retirement accounts. But she still finds herself in line at food banks. It's not the kind of life she was used to. And she says she was slow to make the adjustment. She had [...]

October 2, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|

Birth control access has contributed to women’s wage increases, says new study

by Cory Stieg For women, having access to contraception at a young age may affect how much money they earn in their 30s and 40s, according to a new report from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research released Wednesday. The report examined the relationship between [...]

September 26, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|

What Serena Williams Wants You to Know About Financial Abuse

By Patia Braithwaite It’s also important to know that financial abuse often occurs alongside other forms of domestic violence. In a small 2018 study from the Institute of Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) that surveyed 164 people living in shelters across 11 states and Washington, D.C., [...]

September 26, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|

Contraception Access Increases Women’s Educational Attainment and Earnings

Contact: Jennifer Clark,, 202-785-5100 New resource summarizes economic research on the effects of access to contraception on women’s education and work Washington, DC—Access to contraception increases women’s educational attainment, labor force participation, and earnings, according to a new report released today by the Institute [...]

September 26, 2019|Categories: IWPR, Press Releases|

‘Hustlers’ And The Gender Politics Of Making Money

By Candice Frederick ... On top of that, the wage gap in 2008 meant that the average American woman who was getting paid above the table in a traditional full-time job earned $11,000 less than her male counterparts, according to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. [...]

September 13, 2019|Categories: Press Hits|