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Press Room

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William Lutz |

Sick employees should stay home to fight coronavirus. But many don’t have sick leave

By Kathryn Vasel More than half of private sector workers in the leisure and hospitality industries, which tend to have a lot of face-to-face time with the public at places like restaurants and hotels, don't have access to paid sick leave. "We know that when people go [...]

February 29, 2020|Categories: Press Hits|

Inequalities of US health system put coronavirus fight at risk, experts say

Amanda Holpuch To contain coronavirus, the CDC emphasized how important it would be to avoid crowds, work from home and even self-quarantine. In the only wealthy country in the world which does not require employers to give workers paid sick days, that guidance is difficult to follow. [...]

February 28, 2020|Categories: Press Hits|

How parents of young kids make it through college

High quality on-site childcare helps these students beat the odds and graduate By LIZ WILLEN I met Butcher while spending a day watching the comings and goings at BMCC’s center in downtown Manhattan, which serves about 300 parents a year at the City University of [...]

February 25, 2020|Categories: Press Hits|

“Equal Opportunity” Includes Equal Income

“The gender wage gap has not changed in a statistically significant way for over a decade,” Jessica Stender of Equal Rights Advocates testified at a recent hearing on the EEOC proposal in Washington, D.C. “It is therefore critical that the agencies charged with enforcing equal [...]

February 24, 2020|Categories: Press Hits|

It’s a bad time to be a job seeker in India—and a double whammy for women

By Niharika Sharma Going by current trends, around 400 million jobs will be needed for women alone in the coming years. Female workers will also be the worst hit by emerging technologies. “Women hold most of the administrative and data-processing roles that artificial intelligence and other [...]

February 20, 2020|Categories: Press Hits|