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William Lutz |

The Lesbian Fighting for All Women to Earn What They Deserve

BY TRUDY RING Lesbians on average earn less than gay or straight men but more than heterosexual women. However, that doesn’t take into account the discrimination faced by certain lesbians, especially those who are gender-nonconforming, nor does the statistic reflect race or ethnicity. “There is definitely [...]

March 24, 2020|Categories: Press Hits|

Despite Increased Labor Force Participation Among Women, Gender Wage Gap Persists, Even in the Occupations They Dominate

Men out earn women in nearly every occupation and sector, making the gender pay gap nearly impossible to close Contact: Lea Woods | 202-785-5100 | Washington, DC— Women’s median earnings are lower than men’s in nearly all occupations, according to a new IWPR report. In the top [...]

March 24, 2020|Categories: Press Releases|

3 ways community colleges can support students during the coronavirus crisis

By: Natalie Schwartz Students who are also parents or guardians may especially be feeling the crunch right now as child care centers and schools close across the nation. "It puts even more pressure on parents' time and ability to focus on their studies," said Lindsey Reichlin Cruse, [...]

March 20, 2020|Categories: Press Hits|

‘I Could See Everything Just Passing By.’ As Colleges Close Amid Coronavirus, Students’ Dreams Are Put On Hold — Perhaps Forever

BY TARA LAW  The Hope Center’s 2019 survey of 86,000 students at two- and four-year colleges found that 42% percent were food insecure, 46% were housing insecure, and 12% were homeless. All of these students will be at risk as schools close or consider closing student [...]

March 17, 2020|Categories: Press Hits|

As Coronavirus Deepens Inequality, Inequality Worsens Its Spread

The pandemic is widening social and economic divisions that also make the virus deadlier, a self-reinforcing cycle that experts warn could have consequences for years to come. By Max Fisher and Emma Bubola This can affect everyone. One study in the United States found that state-mandated sick day [...]

March 15, 2020|Categories: Press Hits|

Lack of Sick Time Worries Workers as Coronavirus Looms

Some big employers are adjusting their policies. But millions question whether their sick days will run out. By Kathryn Dill In 2019, more than 33 million U.S. workers had no access to sick leave, federal data show. Many of them are food and cleaning staff who are more [...]

March 11, 2020|Categories: Press Hits|